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  • Understanding CPU Operation: A Programmer's Guide to program execution (Part 2)

    Created At: 2023-08-28 08:57:00 (UTC)


    In Part 1 we took a look at key concepts of CPU components and architecture, we also took a look at the instruction cycle and how it works. So we now know how programs go from being written, compiled into instructions that the CPU can execute and how the execution cycle handles the execution of those instructions, but how do we actually make the computer do useful things? We all use a computer, we have monitors, k...

  • Understanding CPU Operation: A Programmer's Guide to program execution (Part 1)

    Created At: 2023-08-15 12:00:00 (UTC) Last Updated: 2023-08-28 10:38:00 (UTC)

    First things first, if you didn't know, CPU stands for central processing unit and it's far easier to type, a term I'll use for brevity.


    Welcome to the first part of our series understanding how a CPU executes programs. In this part we'll go over the process that makes a program come to life within a CPU. If you're wondering why is this relevant to you as a programmer, software development works in layers and I've found in my experience that by understanding the l...
